Skin Issues

Dry skin

What isDry skin?

Features: Dry skin lacks oil and water, the skin appears dull and rough in some areas, it is prone to pigmentation due to insufficient sebum secretion that cannot moisturize the skin; or improper skincare methods such as using alkaline products (such as soap) for face washing can cause a lack of oil and water in the skin, which damages the skin’s sebum film.

Advantages: Less prone to acne, relatively delicate texture. Pores are basically invisible.

Skin problems: Dryness, dullness without luster, poor absorption, wrinkles and pigmentation.

Causes of problems: Lack of moisturizing factors inside the skin. Insufficient external sebum secretion weakens the ability of the skin to retain moisture. As age progresses and climate changes worsen dryness if daily care and weekly maintenance are not done properly.

导致Dry skin的原因


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