Skin Issues
Sensitive skin
What isSensitive skin?
A: Allergic dermatitis of dry skin: Regardless of the season, the skin is always dry and rough, and when makeup water is applied, there will be a slight tingling or itching sensation. Sometimes it may become red and swollen. People with these symptoms belong to allergic dermatitis of dry skin. The reason for skin allergies is that the skin is dry, which leads to a decrease in defense function. Removing excess sebum and moisturizing sufficiently can help.
B: Allergic dermatitis of oily skin: Pimples and small particles are prone to appear on the face, which can become red and inflamed. Even areas that are prone to dryness such as cheeks may also develop pimples. Experts say that people with these symptoms should belong to allergic dermatitis of oily skin. The sensitivity is caused by excessive adhesion of sebum and insufficient moisture leading to a decrease in the protective function of the skin. Removing excess sebum and moisturizing sufficiently can help.

导致Sensitive skin的原因
- 年龄增长
- 熬夜
- 饮食不规律
- 苹果机脂肪流失
- 面部支撑皮肤松弛
- 太阳穴凹陷
- 苹果肌塌陷
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